Monday, February 28, 2011

The 83rd Annual Academy Awards

Has it really been a year since I've posted anything to this blog? Whatever became of me? (Facebook, that's what--) I know I wanted to put up a picture of the '86 Chevy Nova junker I was driving after my car died, then post a follow-up on the '90 Honda Civic I got at the impound auction. In the summer I got a roommate--and just last week, she moved out. Very sad.

But, it's Oscar time again, and I'll try to get mini-reviews of the contenders up on my other blog, Russ and His Reviews. Meanwhile, here are my notes from last night (I couldn't blog live, as my laptop no longer does internet).


Great opening montage sequence of all the Best Picture nominees, followed by a fairly good tongue-in-cheek montage based on INCEPTION, that the hosts are in former host Alec Baldwin’s dream. Off to a good start.

And the first Oscar of the night goes to—ALICE IN WONDERLAND, for Best Art Direction. I’d guessed INCEPTION, didn’t see ALICE IN WONDERLAND. But, a moment later: Wally Pfister wins for Best Cinematography for INCEPTION! I’d picked Roger Deakins for TRUE GRIT, but I’m happy to be wrong on this one.

Kirk Douglas as a presenter? He’s not so photogenic or personable in his 90’s. At times embarrassing, he did redeem himself with his delayed reading of Best Supporting Actress name. And it’s Melissa Leo for THE FIGHTER! As I’d predicted—along with everyone else. She was odds-on favorite, and much deserving. First histrionic speech of the evening, and she even had to be bleeped! That might actually be an Oscar first, I’ll have to check on that.

Best Animated Short Feature went to something I’d never heard of, Best Animated Feature went unsurprisingly to TOY STORY 3.

Best Adapted Screenplay goes to Aaron Sorkin for THE SOCIAL NETWORK. Fair enough, though I’d guessed TRUE GRIT. He started to get played off, and justifiably so. Still, it’s a good win and I’m glad he’s gotten some recognition.

Best Original Screenplay goes to THE KING’S SPEECH. Good and well, I’d hoped for INCEPTION, still have to see what kind of night is developing. David Seidler so far has given the best acceptance speech.

Best Foreign Film goes to IN A BETTER WORLD, don’t know anything about that.

Best Supporting Actor to Christian Bale, much deserved for THE FIGHTER, a movie that I hope does well tonight. He also plugged a .com in his acceptance speech, which I’m pretty sure is an Oscar first.

And now Trent Reznor has an Oscar?!! Fuck yes!! But what the hell: in his tuxedo and lugubrious and all, you wouldn’t guess this is the guy from Nine Inch Nails. In its own way, this is incredible.

Best Sound Mixing and Best Sound Editing both go to INCEPTION. Yes!! Hope this signals some larger Oscar sweep, though that’s unlikely.

Best Makeup goes to THE WOLFMAN. Didn’t see it, but I have no doubt Rick Baker is much deserving.

Best Costume to ALICE IN WONDERLAND, when I thought it might be TRUE GRIT.

Best Documentary goes to INSIDE JOB, no surprise there.

Best Visual Effects to INCEPTION. Fuck right.

Best Editing to THE SOCIAL NETWORK. Fair enough, it was actually my prediction (though I could make arguments for BLACK SWAN or TRUE GRIT or THE FIGTHER as well.)

Best Song goes to Randy Newman for TOY STORY 3. No great surprise there either. Good acceptance speech, though.

And a respectable elegy to those who passed this last year, even if it was by Celine Dion. I drank to Arthur Penn and Dennis Hopper.

Tom Hooper for Best Director for THE KING’S SPEECH? Really? Best call out to mother in acceptance speech, though—

Best Actress to Natalie Portman!!! Damn right. But Best Actor to Colin Firth for THE KING’S SPEECH? Oddly enough, I’d been more for Jesse Eisenberg for SOCIAL NETWORK.

THE KING’S SPEECH wins for Best Picture. I’m disappointed, but not quite outraged.

The fact that they’re concluding this broadcast with a chidlren’s chorus of “Over the Rainbow", however—


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